
DELETE api/Account/{accountNumber}/DeleteEmailAddress

Deletes an email address from the acount

DELETE api/Account/{accountNumber}/DeleteName

Deletes a name from the account

DELETE api/Account/{accountNumber}/DeletePhoneNumber

Removes a phone number from an account

GET api/Account/{accountNumber}/Class

Gets the classification info for an account

GET api/Account/{accountNumber}/Communication/{type}

Gets a communication list for a given account and type of communication

GET api/Account/{accountNumber}/Information

Gets the information for an account

GET api/Account/{accountNumber}/Names

Gets the names associated with the account

GET api/Account/{accountNumber}/ActionCodes/{filter}

Gets the action code on the account that match a given filter

GET api/Account/{accountNumber}/CountryList

Gets a list of countries associiated with the account

GET api/Account/{accountNumber}/CustomData

Gets the custom fields associated with the account

GET api/Account/{accountNumber}/EmailTypes

Gets the email types for a given account

GET api/Account/{accountNumber}/NoteCount

Gets the number of notes on this account

GET api/Account/{accountNumber}/Notes/{position}

Gets all notes on an account

GET api/Account/{accountNumber}/OtherAccounts

Gets other accounts associated with this account

GET api/Account/{accountNumber}/PhoneTypes

Gets all phone types on the account

GET api/Account/{accountNumber}/ProvinceList

Gets a list of provinces associiated with the account

GET api/Account/{accountNumber}/StateList

Gets a list of states associiated with the account

POST api/Account/{accountNumber}/InsertActionCode

Inserts an action code on the account

POST api/Account/{accountNumber}/InsertEmailAddress

Inserts an email address on an account

POST api/Account/{accountNumber}/InsertName

Adds a name to the account

POST api/Account/{accountNumber}/InsertNote

Inserts a note onto an account

POST api/Account/{accountNumber}/InsertPhoneNumber

Inserts a phone number on an account

POST api/{accountNumber}/InsertResponse

Inserts a response to a question on an account

PUT api/Account/{accountNumber}/UpdateActionCode

Updates an action code on the account

PUT api/Account/{accountNumber}/ManageAddress

Manages an address on the account

PUT api/Account/{accountNumber}/SetCustomData

Sets the custom data on an account

PUT api/Account/{accountNumber}/UpdateEmailAddress

Updates an email address on an account

PUT api/Account/{accountNumber}/UpdateName

Updates a name record on an account

PUT api/Account/{accountNumber}/UpdatePhoneNumber

Inserts a phone number on an account

POST api/Account/UploadBillCharges

Upload Bill Charges

POST api/Account/UploadMultiYearBillCharges

Upload MultiYear Bill Charges


GET api/MetaData/NoteTypes

Gets all note types


GET api/Payment/FindCreditCardType/{ccNumber}

Finds the credit card type for given card number

GET api/Payment/{accountNumber}/Payment/{paymentID}

Gets the payments for the specified account number and payment id.

GET api/Payment/{accountNumber}/PendingPayments

Gets a list of pending payments for this account

GET api/Payment/ValidateCreditCard/{ccNumber}

Determines if a given credit card is valid

GET api/Payment/ValidateRoutingNumber/{routingNumber}

Determines if a given routing number is valid

POST api/Payment/ProcessACH/{testProcess}

Processes and ACH payment

POST api/Payment/ProcessAutoCreditCard/{testProcess}

Process a recurring credit card

POST api/Payment/ProcessCheck/{testProcess}

Processes a check payment

POST api/Payment/ProcessCreditCard/{testProcess}

Processes a credit card

GET api/Payment/{accountNumber}/CreditCards

Gets all of the credit cards on the account. Only the last 4 of the CardNumber is displayed.

POST api/Payment/{accountNumber}/InsertCreditCardInfo

Inserts a credit card on the account. Leave Sequence as is or blank.

PUT api/Payment/{accountNumber}/UpdateCreditCardInfo

Updates a credit card on the account. Sequence must be provided. Only the ExpirationMonth, ExpirationYear and Name can be updated. All other parameters will be ignored. Use a value of 0 for the ExpirationMonth and ExpirationYear if you want the field to be ignored. Use a value of "" for the Name if you want the field to be ignored.

DELETE api/Payment/{accountNumber}/DeleteCreditCardInfo

Deletes a credit card on the account. Sequence must be provided.

GET api/Payment/{accountNumber}/BankAccounts

Gets all of the bank accounts on the account. Only the last 4 of the BankAccountNumber is displayed. C is for checking and S is for savings on the bank account type

POST api/Payment/{accountNumber}/InsertBankAccountInfo

Inserts a bank account on the account. Sequence must be provided.

PUT api/Payment/{accountNumber}/UpdateBankAccountInfo

Updates a bank account on the account. Sequence must be provided Only the Name can be updated. All other parameters will be ignored.

DELETE api/Payment/{accountNumber}/DeleteBankAccountInfo

Deletes a bank account on the account. Sequence must be provided.

POST api/Payment/ProcessAutoACH/{testProcess}

Processes and ACH payment

POST api/Payment/CancelPendingPayment

Cancel the specified pending payment


GET api/Ststements/{accountNumber}/StatementLink/{clientID}/{recordID}

Gets a link to a given statement

GET api/Statements/{accountNumber}

Gets all statements for the given account

GET api/Statements/GetStatementsPDF/{accountNumber}

Gets all statements for the given account


GET api/Account/{accountNumber}/ConsumerData

Gets ALL specific data Information for an account

POST api/Account/ConsumerData

PostConsumerData Leave Sequence as is or blank.


GET api/CallCenter/CampaignAccounts/{campaignID}/{timeZoneOffset}

Gets the campaign accounts for a given campaign ID and time zone

GET api/CallCenter/ClientContactInformation/{accountNumber}/{accountSystem}

Gets the client contact information for a given account

GET api/CallCenter/NextCampaignAccount/{campaignID}/{userID}/{timeZoneOffset}

Gets the next account for a campaign

POST api/CallCenter/{accountNumber}/SetExitCode

Sets the exit code on an account


GET api/Account/{accountNumber}/CollateralData

Gets Credit Score Information for an account

POST api/Account/CollateralData

collData Leave Sequence as is or blank.

GET api/Account/{accountNumber}/SolarCollateralData

Gets the Collateral Info Data

POST api/Account/SolarCollateralData

Post Collateral Data Solar


GET api/Loan/{accountNumber}/AllInformation

Gets all loan information for an account

GET api/Loan/{accountNumber}/Information

Gets the information from the loan

GET api/Loan/{accountNumber}/Settings

Gets the setting information for the loan

GET api/Loan/{accountNumber}/TransactionDetails/{year}

Gets the transaction details of a loan by year

GET api/Loan/{accountNumber}/TransactionYearsList

Gets the list of years in the loan transaction history

POST api/Loan/Insert

Inserts a new loan

POST api/Loan/ExpandedLoanInsert


POST api/Loan/IncreaseUPB


POST api/Loan/DecreaseUPB



GET api/Billing/{accountNumber}/CategoryBalanceHeaders

Gets the billing category balance headers

GET api/Billing/{accountNumber}/CategoryBalanceHistory/{year}

Gets the Balance History information for a billing account for a given year

GET api/Billing/{accountNumber}/Information

Gets information on a billing account

GET api/Billing/{accountNumber}/Settings

Gets the settings on a billing account

GET api/Billing/{accountNumber}/TransactionDetails/{year}

Gets all billing transactions for a given year

GET api/Billing/{accountNumber}/TransactionYearsList

Gets the list of transaction years on a billing account

POST api/Billing/Insert

Inserts a new billing account


POST api/User

No documentation available.

POST api/User/authenticate

No documentation available.